The limb lengthening surgeries are generally performed in cases of short stature resulted due to congenital and genetic diseases. The procedure will be explained in details in another section because lengthening strategies of those diseases are different. In this section, we will explain the treatments of limb(extremity) shortness developed due to traumas, chronic osteomyelitis, unsuccessful former surgical interventions, chronic resections and fractures of nounion bone loss.
Both limb and height lengthening procedures are performed using the method, which was introduced by a Russian Orthopedician Dr. Ilizarov in 1950s. The method enables 8-10cm lengthening in a single surgery and 35-40cm lengthening with several procedures.
The classical lengthening method using Ilizarov will provide 1mm lengthening by the use of a circular device attached to wires and screws which are passed through the bone. In addition, modern surgical techniques performed by means of lengthening over nail-LON and automated nails are also used today.