The incidence of serious complications after total hip prosthesis surgery are relatively low. The most common problem is the formation of clots on veins( deep vein thrombosis) due to decrease in blood flow. Prophylactic treatment using blood thinners is prescribed to prevent the complication after surgery. The treatment may be lasted until 30 days if required. Initiating the hip movements and walking in early period will reduce the risk.
The risk of prosthesis infection after surgery is about 0.1 to 0.2%. The presence of infection in one part of the body (urinary tract,teeth etc.), diabetes and the other chronic diseases and over consumption of cigarette and alcohol may increase the risk. Pre-existing infections must be treated before surgery. Prophylatic antibiotic treatment is administered during the surgery and infection risk is reduced by applying specific precautions during surgery. The procedures such as repeated surgeries, removal of the prosthesis and re-replacement may be required in case of prosthesis infection.
Other than above mentioned complications; prosthesis dislocation, wound healing problems, vascular or nerve injuries, displacement of particular compounds of prosthesis, fractures in neighboring of the prosthesis and prosthesis fracture are the possible complications but the incidence rate is low.